Our body is an amazing thing. Our brain runs the show, communicating with the rest of the body through the nervous system, information coming in and going out to maintain everything that happens to make us who and what we are. When joints in the spine lose their normal relationship with the adjacent joints, either not moving properly or stuck in an abnormal position, the nervous system responds with pain, spasm, weakness, loss of range of motion, or all the preceding. These joint abnormalities occur as a result of injury, over use, repetitive stress, or conditions that we may have been born with.
Chiropractic identifies these areas of joint dysfunction and works to normalize the function of these joints, allowing the body to return to its normal balance.
My approach is to identify the joint problems through physical examination (we don’t use x-rays as a routine part of our analysis) and treat those issues in a direct and effective fashion.
Massage is the manipulation of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue using various techniques, to enhance function, aid in the healing process, decrease muscle reflex activity, inhibit motor-neuron excitability, and to promote relaxation and well-being.